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FRONIUS data privacy statement

1. Introduction

This data privacy statement is for all persons who visit our websites and make use of the services provided. This data privacy statement applies to all forms of use of our services, irrespective of whether such use is free of charge or subject to a fee. Fronius wishes to inform you below in particular about what data it collects and how such data are used. You are also informed that your (personal) data are collected on our websites and stored electronically. All data are stored and processed by us in compliance with the relevant statutory regulations of the Republic of Austria on data privacy and data security. You may view, download or print out the Terms of Use and General Webshop Terms and Conditions and the FRONIUS data privacy statement at any time at The data privacy statement forms an integral part of the Terms of Use and General Webshop Terms and Conditions. You must accept this data privacy statement in order to visit our websites and use our services. 

2. Definitions

2.1. Non-personal data

2.1.1. Our websites, if available, may be visited at any time without you having to provide personal data. Fronius stores the following non-personal data:

a) Browser type and version

b) Operating system

c) Referrer URL (the specific webpage from which a link was followed to our website)

d) Host name of the computer accessing the website (IP address)

e) Time and date of the server request

f) Device

2.1.2. Such data are analysed by Fronius or a third party and used to improve our products and services (such as for the purpose of research and data analysis). You cannot be identified on the basis of such data.

2.1.3. Fronius also stores and saves the data listed in Section 2.1.1 of registered users. Use of such data pursuant to Section 2.1.2 solely occurs in an anonymised form. It is not possible for you to be identified on the basis of such data by any third party that may be commissioned by us.

2.1.4. Based on the use of FRONIUS websites (such as Fronius Solar.web) by registered or authorised users, Fronius also collects non-personal (anonymised) data. They are stored in a form that does not allow identification of any specific person. Fronius may collect, use, transfer and disclose non-personal data for any purpose.

Example: Fronius uses aggregated data from all the systems in a certain region to identify, for example, the duration and intensity of sunlight in that region. The region is sufficiently broad that a given person or their system cannot be identified. Fronius is also entitled to provide such aggregated data to third parties.

2.2 Personal data

2.2.1. Fronius can only identify you or the respective user following registration. Registration requires you to voluntarily provide your personal data. Our websites record and store the following data of registered users:

a) User data: form of address, first name, surname, company, street, street number, postcode, town, federal state, country, time zone, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, birthday, customer number, user name, password

b) System data: system name, system identifier, date/time of commissioning, company, street, street number, postcode, town, federal state, time zone, longitude, latitude, height above sea level, system performance, manufacturer, module type, system specification, system image

c) Operator/customer data: form of address, first name, surname, company, street, street number, postcode, town, federal state, country, time zone, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, customer number, VAT identification number

d) Connection data: data pursuant to Section 2.1.1

2.2.2. Fronius collects the personal data in order to provide the desired services, to process contracts and for internal purposes, such as to improve our services and products (for the purpose of data analysis, research etc.) or to contact you independently of the respective contract.

2.2.3. All personal data are kept strictly confidential by Fronius and are not provided to third parties without your express consent.

2.2.4. Without your consent, Fronius will only collect, process and use your personal master data and usage data to the extent required for contract processing and for the use and billing of electronic information and communication services.

2.2.5. By way of exception, Fronius is entitled to provide the data to third parties if it is under a legal obligation to do so, for example if it is required to disclose the data to public authorities.

2.2.6. By way of exception, Fronius is entitled to provide personal data to an online payment system, but only to the extent that such data are necessary for due processing of the payment.

2.2.7. Following registration, your user name will be visible to other members. In addition, you may release/publish the other details of your profile or your system and make them visible to other members. Within your profile, you have the option of adjusting the settings to modify the scope of publication of your data. It is at your discretion which data are released/published to other users and in what scope. Further details are provided on the websites beside the given function.

2.2.8. If we use data for a purpose requiring your consent pursuant to statutory regulations, we will request your express consent. Your consent will be documented in compliance with the relevant data privacy regulations. You may revoke the consent that you have given at any time with effect for the future and/or reject the future use of your data for the purpose of advertising, market research and opinion research. To revoke your consent or reject such future use, it is sufficient to send a simple message to Fronius. To ensure prompt processing, please use the contact details given below. You will not be charged any additional costs for contacting us.

3. Use of cookies

3.1. Software is used on this website for the purpose of analysing use of the website. Analysis of the data enables valuable information to be gained about user requirements, enabling us to further enhance our products and services.

3.2. Cookies are also used for that purpose. Cookies are text files that are stored on the computer of the visitor to the website, allowing the visitor to be recognised on an anonymous basis. Cookies in general can be blocked or deleted by adjusting your browser settings.

3.3. By using this website, you consent to the use of our websites being analysed in the manner described above.

4. Google Analytics: data privacy and the opt-out option

4.1. This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses cookies, i.e. text files that are stored on your computer and that enable analysis of your use of the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website is generally transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there. If IP anonymisation is activated on this website, your IP address, however, will be shortened by Google within the Member States of the European Union or other states that are signatory to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Your full IP address will only be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there in exceptional cases. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google will use such information to analyse your use of the website, to compile reports about website activities for us as the website operator and to provide further services associated with use of the website and internet use. The IP address transmitted by your browser in the scope of Google Analytics will not be merged with other Google data.

4.2. You can disable storage of the cookies by adjusting the settings of your browser software; however, please note that doing so may prevent you from being able to use all the functions of this website in full. In addition, you can prevent transmission of the data generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) to Google and the processing of such data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in that is available at:

4.3. For further information about the terms of use and data privacy, please see and

4.4. The Google tracking codes of this website use the _anonymizeIp() function, which means that IP addresses are only processed in a shortened form in order to prevent direct personal identification.

5. Newsletter

5.1. I would like to receive information about interesting offers by e-mail on a regular basis. My e-mail address will not be disclosed to other companies. I may revoke my consent at any time for my e-mail address to be used for advertising purposes with effect for the future by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link at the end of the newsletter or by sending a message to the contact details below.

5.2. If you register for our newsletter, we will use the data that you have provided upon registration or have provided separately to send you our e-mail newsletter in accordance with your consent.

5.3. We are entitled to check the authenticity and correctness of your e-mail address based on your other details.

6. Right to information and erasure

6.1. You are entitled at any time to information about your stored data or to the rectification, blocking or erasure of your data at no cost. Please contact us or send us your request to that effect by post, e-mail or fax to the address below. Your stored personal data will be erased if you revoke your consent for the data to be stored, if knowledge of the data is no longer required for the purpose for which the data was stored, or if storage of the data is impermissible for other statutory reasons, providing Fronius may reasonably be expected to erase your data.

7. Contact data for matters of data protection and security

7.1. Fronius International GmbH
Froniusstraße 1
A-4643 Pettenbach
Tel.: +43/7242/241-0
Fax: +43/7242/241-3013

7.2. Managing Director:
Elisabeth Engelbrechtsmüller-Strauß